Thursday, February 10, 2011

English Flash Card 英语词汇 (EVPF)

Retail Price : RM 70
Now : RM 65

Card Features:
  1. Total 120 cards
  2. Card size : 31.3 cm x 11.5 cm
Card Contents:

grey elephant / wishing well / funny nose / blow bubbles / hard rock / sore throat /long buses / to and fro / discounted items / biting insects / Red centipedes / spider web / hairy arachnids / green leaves / short pencil / come again / machine made / sea shells / pleasing child / good joke /coconut palm / angsana tree / yellow banana / tall trees / thin bamboo / love grass / waste money /save water / clean room / lovely place / loving mother / speaking doll / story books / leather handbag / twenty cents / take away / cough drops / sharp knife / my instep / painful boll / round belly / hind legs / winter coats / spring water / tiny bables / super reader / breakneck speed / blue whale / reading aloud creative mind / coffee cup / angry man / chilli red / chilli sauce / green pepper / tasty meal / hot spring /cold water / untidy room /burning fire / fighting fish / colour print /come here / black sheep / new cap / clean face / colourful wallpaper / Start button / hold on / wait here / sharp point / your teacher / next week / great man / tennis elbow / plus two / broken glass / golf course / low tide / top secret / removal sale / smelly shoes / taste buds / went up / my daddy / your mummy / new year / well wishers / come true / sleepy eyes / close shave /relaxing time / breathe in / smart move / quick steps / early birds / watch out / looking glass / loud mouth / helpful hands / golden hair / barking dogs / sweet home /cosy coner / machine parts / long neck / calm seas / harbour seal /sailing boat / ten o’clock / news programme / queen bee / three cheers / hurry up / bath water / pardon me / sliding door / round basketball / mild stomachache / sore thumb

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